2025年2月23日(日) 本日の営業時間 12:00 - 17:00 【展示室A】 Shakespeare Reimagined 【展示室B】 NIGHTMARES

エレン・シェイドリン日本初個展「Transformation」開催記念 デジタルサイン会Online autograph session to commemorate the holding of “Transformation”,the first solo exhibition of Ellen Sheidlin in Japan

『Ellen in Sheidlinland』(青幻舎)を購入いただいた方限定でご参加いただけます。


Online autograph session will be held using the Instagram Story function!
Only those who have purchased “Ellen in Sheidlinland” (published bySeigensha) will be able to participate (an Instagram account is required).Ellen Sheidlin will personally sign digital autographs on your posts using her own Instagram account.


  1. 購入した対象アイテムの画像・動画に 「@sheidlina」 をメンションしてInstagramのストーリーにアップ!
  2. 指定の時間内に投稿された画像・動画にエレン・シェイドリンがデジタルでサインし、サインした画像・動画をエレン・シェイドリンがリポストして、世界中のフォロワーにシェアします!



日本時間 10月10日(土)19:00 ~ 10月11日(日)19:00






エレン・シェイドリン日本初個展「Transformation」展示ページへ >>

◆ How to participate

Upload an image or video of the item you have purchased with the mention “@sheidlina”!
You can just upload an image or video of the item only, but a 2-shot image or video of you and your item is also more than welcome!
Ellen will sign digital autographs on images/videos posted during the specified period, and the signed images/videos will be reposted by Ellen to share with her followers all over the world!
* Please be careful about the time you post, as Instagram Stories will disappear after 24 hours.

◆ Date of autograph session

Images/videos posted during the following periods will be singed:
Session Date : From October 10 (Sat.) 19:00 to October 11 (Sun.) 19:00 JST (Japan Standard Time)
Those posted within this periods will all be signed.

Instagram Stories will disappear after 24 hours.

You should be careful about the time when you post your story, as if it is posted exactly at 19:00, it may disappear during the autograph session.

◆ Item required to participate in autograph session

“Ellen in Sheidlinland” (Seigensha) purchased at the venue of the exhibition “Transformation”, Vanilla Gallery Web Store, or elsewhere.


• One image/video will be signed for each person. Multiple posts using dummy accounts, etc. will be invalid.
• You must post your story using a public account. Stories posted by private accounts are not viewable.
• Please note in advance that the images/videos posted will be quoted.
• Please also note that, in some cases, your account name and/or the content posted may be partially edited before being quoted.
• There may also be cases where the images/videos posted will be deleted by the operator.