2023.2.9Thu ~ 3.12Sun
月~金12:00~19:00、土・日12:00~17:00 会期中無休/展示室AB共通/全日時指定事前チケット制
オンラインチケット | 当日券 |
800円 | 1000円* |
この度、ヴァニラ画廊では漫画家 尾崎南の原画展を開催いたします。
今展示では『絶愛』、その続編である『BRONZE since ZETSUAI』から尾崎氏自身が厳選した原画の展示、販売の他、展示会オリジナルグッズの発売を行います。この貴重な機会をどうぞお見逃しなく。
【鋭い瞳に魅せられた究極の愛】南條晃司は、小5の時に出会った鋭い瞳の少女が忘れられないでいた。時が経ち、人気歌手となった晃司は、高熱のために路上で倒れていたところを、サッカー少年・泉拓人に拾われる。その拓人こそ、晃司が想っていたあの少女(実は男)だった! 衝撃の愛の物語が始まる!
February 9th (Thu) - March 12th (Sun), 2023
Venue: Vanilla Gallery (Japan)
Vanilla Gallery is proud to present an exhibition of original artwork by manga artist Ozaki Minami.
Her representative work, the ZETSUAI series, was serialized in a royal road girls' manga magazine but became a massive hit by dramatically and erotically depicting love between men.
Based on the philosophical and timeless themes of "ultimate love" and "eternity," the story depicts the protagonists' struggle against harsh fates and their determination to pursue love. It has become a legendary masterpiece that profoundly resonates with her fans.
Her exquisite artwork has also received high acclaim, and the popularity of the series has spread beyond Japan, with translations released in various parts of Asia and Europe. Moreover, it continues to fascinate fans around the world. The exhibition will feature Ozaki Minami's personally selected original artwork from the "ZETSUAI" series, its sequel, "BRONZE since ZETSUAI," and the sale of exhibition original goods.
Manga artist, born on February 27th, under the sign of Pisces.
Representative works: ZETSUAI, BRONZE
Official website: https://ozakiminami.jp/
Please get in touch with us via the Vanilla Gallery inquiry form. We will send you a list of available works. Original artwork will be sold through an auction system.
▶Please check the Vanilla Gallery official SNS accounts for updates on selling replica artwork and original merchandise.