'24/10/19 〜 11/4
三代目彫よし 中野義仁個展「慚愧と懺悔」【人斬り無惨-残酷血みどろ絵巻】





October 19-November 4,2024

OPEN:Saturday&Sunday&Holiday 12-5 pm / Weekdays 12-7 pm
Admission fee:¥1,000(Door)


ヴァニラ画廊では、2009年の三代目彫よし「幻武者図」「生首・幽霊図」「百鬼図」「水滸列伝図」に続き、15年ぶりとなる個展を開催いたします。 この異形のアウトロー達に画題を取った4部作の原画展は、当時、氏の死生観を現す作品の特異さと、その大胆な構図と着想、息を呑む自由闊達な筆の運びで多くの反響を呼びました。

本展では2020年から制作された、人斬り玄斎・岡田以蔵・坂本龍馬・井伊直弼などの暗殺図をモチーフとした掛け軸21幅を公開し、三代目彫よしが描く壮絶な血飛沫滴る暗殺秘録の全貌に迫ります。過去から未来に新しい時代を希求し歴史を変えた、 一殺多生の暗殺をテーマにして、想像力と造詣の深さ、圧倒的な画力を駆使し、確実に急所を衝く殺法を臨場感のある情景に落とし込んでいます。命をかけてとどめの一撃を刺す、暗殺者たちの並々ならぬ気魄が圧巻の血みどろ絵です。


Yoshihito Nakano a.k.a. “Horiyoshi III” is an unrivaled tattoo artist who has set up his studio in Yokohama and has been mastering the art of Japanese tattooing for more than half a century. His Japanese drawings are in the collections of the Smithsonian American Art Museum (Washington, D.C.) and the Morikami Museum (Florida), among others, and are highly acclaimed around the world. Through the culture that inherits Japanese traditions, he has had a tremendous impact on artists in Japan and abroad, the contemporary art scene, and even the fashion scene, including collaborations with various companies.

Vanilla Gallery is proud to announce his first solo exhibition in 15 years, following the exhibition of “Genmusha Zu (drawing of phantom warrior),” “Namakubi/Yurei Zu (drawing of decapitated head and ghost),” “Hyakki Zu (drawing of one hundred devils),” and “Suikoretsuden Zu (drawing of the Water Margin)” in 2009. At the time, the exhibition of his four-part series of original drawings based on the motifs of atypical outlaws drew a great deal of attention for the uniqueness of the works that expressed his views on life and death, their bold composition and conception, and his breathtakingly free and vigorous brush strokes.

This exhibition will display 21 hanging scrolls produced since 2020, featuring assassination drawings of Gensai the Manslayer, Izo Okada, Ryoma Sakamoto, Naosuke Ii, and others to present a full picture of the secret notes of fierce blood-dripping assassination depicted by Horiyoshi III. With the theme of the assassination of killing one and saving the lives of many, which changed history by seeking a new era from the past to the future, the artist’s imagination, depth of knowledge, and overwhelming drawing skills are put to use to create realistic scenes of the surefire sword killing method. The extraordinary spirit of the assassins, who put their lives on the line to deliver the finishing blow, is the highlight of these blood-soaked drawings.

The beauty that transcends the original art of tattooing created from the blade of a lone assassin – Please enjoy the great spectacle of sword, righteousness, and blood depicted by the best tattoo artist of the day.

三代目彫よし 中野義仁 プロフィール

中学卒業後、造船所の溶接工として働きながら 刺青師になる決心を固める。

Horiyoshi III / Yoshihito Nakano

Born in Shimada City Shizuoka Prefecture in 1946.
After graduating from junior high school, he worked as a welder at a shipyard while making up his mind to become a tattoo artist.
At the age of 21, he was tattooed with a celestial maiden and a dragon on his back by Yokohama Horiyoshi.
In 1971, he became an apprentice living in Horiyoshi’s room, and in 1979, he assumed the name of Horiyoshi III.
In 1985, he was invited to the “Tattoo Convention” held in Rome. Since then, he has participated in “Tattoo Conventions” in various countries in Europe and the United States.
In 2012, he held a solo exhibition at “Somerset House” in London. Two hanging scrolls of “Wind God and Thunder God” are in the collection of the Morikami Museum in Florida, and hanging scrolls of “Bamboo Ghost” and “Ascending Dragon” are in the collection of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.
Currently, he is committed to pass on the traditional culture by interacting with tattoo artists and tattoo enthusiasts from all over the world, exchanging information and collecting items for research materials, which are widely exhibited to the public at the “Bunshin Tattoo Museum” in Yokohama.
Many collections of his works have been published in Japan and abroad.