2025年3月26日(水) 本日の営業時間 12:00 - 19:00 【展示室A】 カネオヤサチコ個展「青年浪漫」 【展示室B】 駒倉ちよた個展「SNAPSHOT」

'25/3/8 〜 3/30 カネオヤサチコ個展「青年浪漫」

202538 (土) ~ 330 (日)

平日(月~金)12:00~19:00、 土・日・最終日12:00~17:00

展示室A 会期中無休

入場料 当日券1000 (画廊受付にて当日券販売)







カネオヤサチコ プロフィール


イラストレーターとして仕事をしながら、アクリル絵具を使用したアナログ作品や、デジタル着彩による「男子」を主なテーマに作品を制作。2008年より定期的に展覧会開催。 deviantARTへの作品掲載から、海外での人気が高まり、国内外に多くのファンを持つ。 「短くも瑞々しい少年期を過ぎ社会に出て数年、夢も希望もなくなりかけて世間につかれ、 心は淀んでいるが体は清い男性(おにいさん)たちを少々邪な目線で表現できたらと思っております」

個展・グループ展出展多数、期間限定のポップアップショップ(SHIBUYA TSUTAYA)開催等。

画集『SAC』/ Artbook "SAC"ヴァニラ画廊(2016)、
海外版画集『THE ART OF KANEOYA SACHIKO』Iron Circus Comics(2019)、

Kaneoya Sachiko solo exhibition ‘Youth Romance’.

March 8 (Sat) - 30 (Sun), 2025 Exhibition Room A
Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 12:00-19:00, Sat/Sun/Last day 12:00-17:00
Open daily during the exhibition period

Admission Fee

1,000 yen (sold at the gallery on the day)
One ticket allows you to enjoy the exhibitions in Exhibition Room A and Room B.

Vanilla Gallery is pleased to present the 2025 exhibition of artist Kaneoya Sachiko.

Kaneoya Sachiko, who is active as an illustrator, consistently depicts ‘oni-san’ (boyish young men) going about their daily lives, and her unique and well-crafted world view, including her unique use of psychedelic colors, depictions full of black humor and homages to Japanese Showa period designs and manga, has garnered popularity in Japan and abroad.

This exhibition will feature new drawings, digital works and monochrome pieces, all will be available for purchase. A new book of illustrations and original exhibition merchandise will also be on sale. Additionally, a special photo spot will be set up in the exhibition space.

Please come and join the bluesy and neo-cartoon world of Kaneoya Sachiko.

Kaneoya Sachiko


Kaneoya Sachiko works as an illustrator and creates analogue works using acrylic paint and digital colored works primarily featuring "男子 (young men)" as her theme. She has been holding regular exhibitions since 2008.
Her works have gained popularity overseas, starting with her postings on deviantART, and she has a large following both domestically and internationally. "Having left behind the brief yet fresh years of boyhood and spent several years in society, I would like to express with a slightly wicked gaze, young men (onii-san) who are starting to lose their dreams and hopes, feeling worn out by society, with hearts that have become stagnant but bodies that remain pure."

She has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions and held a pop-up shop (SHIBUYA TSUTAYA) for a limited period of time.