2025年3月11日(火) 本日の営業時間 12:00 - 19:00 【展示室A】 カネオヤサチコ個展「青年浪漫」 【展示室B】 駒倉ちよた個展「SNAPSHOT」

'10/1/11 ~ 1/30 三代目彫よし 刺青原画展 「水滸列伝図」


■1月24日(日)17:00~18:30 特別トークイベント



忠義・アウトロー 奇縁宿命に導かれた天罡星・地煞星の霊星百八個をそれぞれ抱いた百八人の好漢達の操り広げる一大活劇である。
一一二〇年 黄河流域の滸に宗江を頭目とする大幹部三十六人が率いる反権力的な盗賊集団は水路を利用し黄河流域周辺を荒らし廻わった。この事実を基に創作され語られて来たものが水滸伝である。


生家を焼き旅立つ若き遊侠「史進」、総身に彫りし刺青は九条の龍。抱きし霊星は天微星。 人これを呼ぶ九紋竜史進と。

ささやかながらこの展覧会の心を天罡星三十六員。地煞星七十二座。一百八星の魂と共に平岡正明氏に捧げたいと願うと共に霊安らかにと祈る次第である。 合掌

二〇〇九年七月 三代目彫よし 百伏千拝


- Suikoden -

An action drama of 108 fellow ruffians in possession of 108 stars of destiny, Tenko stars and Chisatsu stars, who were guided by a strange coincidence and fate.

In the year 1120
A gang of anti-authority thieves led by 36 great leaders with Soko as the head robbed around the valley of the Yellow River by making use of waterways. Based on this fact, the story of Suikoden was created and has been told.

The author is said to be either “Shitaian” or “Rakanchu” when the story was finally written down as a book and is now counted as one of the Three Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. It is an extremely long novel.

In late Northern Sung Dynasty, under the reign of the elegant emperor Kiso, people were immersed in unprecedented period of peace. As a result of indulging themselves in luxury, the signs of decadent and excessive maturity were finally showing. People have been deluded and uncertainties gradually prevailed.

A young man with a chivalrous spirit “Shishin” burnt down the house where he was born and left home. Having tattoo of nine dragons (Kumonryu) all over his body and Tenbi star of destiny in his hand, people called him Kumonryu-Shishin.

Later on the strange destiny swirled like a whirlpool and summoned up fellow ruffians. The great Yellow River bore its fangs and mainland started wavering.